Tuesday, August 16, 2011

At what age did K first start reading?

I am not a good record keeper & lost track of how old K was when she started reading.  The other day I stumbled on the post I wrote on a forum when K was 15 months old. I copied it here:

K is 15 months old.  I have been doing a reading program since she was about 6 months, however it has been much more organized since I discovered the Little Reader Program.  I have never tested her before today.  We tested her with about 10 different word cards.  She got every one right!  K has down syndrome.  Thirty years ago I would have been told to put her in an institution because she was unteachable ( I could never have done that).  Even when she was born I was given old & outdated information about her potential.  I admit I had never heard of teaching babies to read a year ago & would not have believed she could do this.  The sky is the limit for my little girl!  Thanks to every one here for all the help and information & for a place to come to celebrate with others who understand.

Thanks again from one proud Momma!

Wow!  I'm glad I found this again!


  1. What a great post to find again. :) We just started working with Miss K on reading (she's 8 1/2 months). I need to reread the Doman book again and again ... we are doing 10 words right now but I need to get better at making sure we try to get 3x a day in for a week. But then I get confused (his "procedure" seemed a little confusing to me, at least the first time I read it).

  2. Do you mean the procedure for retiring words?

    I could never be that organized:)! I do the same words for a week, then retire them all. It is much easier for me to stay organized that way.

    If you are using Little Reader, their courses are set up to do it automatically.

    As for technique, I did a post a while ago on fast flashing. I'll find it & put a link in the next comment & if I'm totally off base with my response, ask away & I'll try to help! :)

  3. Here is the fast flashing post link:


  4. Hi like what your wrote: The sky is the limit for my little girl! The sky is the limit is our philosophy in raising Tommy. I am working on flash flashing method. You and K are my inspiration!

  5. Yep ... retiring words. I was so confused with the Doman idea of introducing and then retiring certain words as you introduce more, or something like that. LOL I like your idea of simply do the same words for a week and then retiring them.

    Dh and I loved your videos on fast flashing of the words. That is what we are doing with Miss K. I sit her in my lap and hold the cards in front of us both (that way I don't have to print the word on the back of the cards). I can usually get through three times through quickly before she loses attention. (One time, though, dh was doing it with her and about halfway through the second go-through, she started signing "all done"!)

    Your blog is my source of information right now. I would love to buy the Little Reader program from Brills Kids, but we are a Mac family. I am debating emailing them to see if they are considering developing a Mac version or an on-line version.

    Thank you for all you have shared and continue to share. :)

  6. Hi ! I have followed your blog ever since a few months after Julian was born (my first child, he has Ds, he is 14.5 months now). I am also on babycenter too and read/post there and have seen a lot of your responses lately about flash cards and telling people that they can get BrillKids free for kids with special needs? Can you walk me through now to get it? I can be reached at glm0210@yahoo.com. My blog is Julian's Journey: http://blog.gretchenmather.com
    Your K is doing amazing....i love reading about all that you do to support her development and language acquisition!

  7. My Little Wonders - I'm glad that helped. You should probably experiment with the week timeline to make sure it works for Miss K. It may need be longer or shorter depending on how she does. I usually do new cards each week, but really, K knows them well in 3 or 4 days. A week works for me because there are usually one or two days that we don't get much reading done, one day that is more review, & one day is my prep day for the next week.

  8. Hi Gretchen! I've been to your blog before - Julian is adorable! I also really appreciate what you are doing with the group you started recently on FaceBook to stop disability slurs.

    Here is a link to the blogpost with the information on the discount & a link to the BrillKids reading progam:


    Make sure you ask for the discount for the Math program also.
